Lawari Conservation Park 5CP-278 and VKFF-1767

I have just finished 7 days straight at work and I was very keen to head out to activate a park today (Monday 28th August 2017).  I am running out of parks within about 300 km from home, but one park I have not activated is the Lawari Conservation Park 5CP-278 & VKFF-1767.  The park is located about 100 km south of Adelaide and about 56 km south of my home in the Adelaide Hills.

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Above:- Map showing the location of the Lawari Conservation Park south of Adelaide.  Map courtesy of Location SA Map Viewer.

Lawari Conservation Park is located on Hindmarsh Island and is accessed via the township of Goolwa, which is a historic river port on the Murray River near the Murray Mouth.  In the local Ngarrindjeri aboriginal language, Goolwa means ‘elbow’.  The area was known as ‘The Elbow” by many of the early settlers.  Before 1837 the area was briefly considered for the site of the capital of the colony of South Australia.  Goolwa was Australia’s first inland port (1853) built to connect Goolwa to Port Elliot and later extended to Victor Harbor, allowing goods to move from river boats to sea boats, so that neither had to negotiate the Murray Mouth.

01 Goolwa Murray Mouth Aerial.jpg

Above:- Aerial view showing Goolwa, the Hindmarsh Island bridge and the island, and also the Coorong.  Image courtesy of Alexandinra Council.

Hindmarsh Island, known Kumerangk in the local aboriginal language, is a popular tourist destination.  Tourism to the island has increased in popularity since the opening of the Hindmarsh Island bridge in 2001.


The island is 45.5 km2 in size, with a length of 14.7 km and a width of 6.5 km.  The island has a coastline of 43.7 km.  Its highest elevation is just 25 metres.  The island’s population is around 1,200.  It has a marina development and tavern.

Construction on the Hindmarsh Island bridge, linking the island to Goolwa, commenced in October 1999, with the bridge being completed in March 2001.  The bridge is 319 metres in length, with a height of 19 metres.

The bridge became a focus of national controversy when a group of local Indigenous people, the Ngarrindjeri, and some landowners objected to its construction.  It was alleged that the Ngarrindjeri objectors fabricated the cultural significance of the island (the Secret Women’s Business)  in order to help fight the development.  A later Royal Commission decided that the Secret Women’s Business was in fact made up. Construction was blocked by the Keating Labor Government, but given the go-ahead by the Howard Liberal Government in 1996.

Five years after the Royal Commission findings, the Ngarrindjeri who had stated the bridge desecrated sites sacred to women were vindicated, with a Federal Court Judge finding that restricted women’s knowledge was not fabricated or that it was not part of genuine Aboriginal tradition.

Goolwa Wharf

Above:- the Hindmarsh Island bridge.  Courtesy of Alexandrina Council.

The first European to set foot on Hindmarsh Island was Captain Charles Sturt.  He used the island as a viewing point and from there he sighted the Murray Mouth.  Captain Collet Barker surveyed the Murray Mouth but was killed by aboriginals after swimming across the Mouth.  The island was named by Captain John William Dundas Blenkinsop after South Australia’s first Governor, Sir John Hindmarsh.

Above:- Captain Charles Sturt (left) and Sir John Hindmarsh (right).  Images courtesy of wikipedia.

There is a monument on the island which commemorates explorers Captain Charles Sturt and Captain Collet Barker near the site where Sturt first saw the waters of Encounter Bay.

Dr. John Rankine (1801-1864) was granted an occupational licence to become the island’s first grazier.  He is recognised as founding the township of Strathalbyn, just down the road from my home.


Dr. John Rankine.  Image courtesy of wikipedia

The Lawari Conservation Park is a relatively new park, having been gazetted on 21st March 2017.  The park is 1.058 km2  (1,058-hectare) in size and is located at the eastern end of Hindmarsh Island, within an area of wetlands that support a large number of threatened fish and water bird species.  The park supports three native fauna species of national conservation significance, and a further 30 fauna and one flora species at the state level, including the Far Eastern Curlew and Cape Barren Goose.  It is situated within an area of internationally important wetlands formally recognised as the Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert Ramsar Reserve.

Lawari Conservation Park comprises two former grazing properties, purchased with assistance from the Commonwealth’s National Reserve System Program for inclusion into the protected area system.  This includes the former Wyndgate property.

The park includes approximately 400 hectares of fenced paddocks where cropping and cattle grazing continue under a lease agreement. These farmed paddocks are managed in a way that provides a high quality summer feeding habitat for Cape Barren geese.  Although I did not sight either of these 2 birds, the park was alive with various other native birds.  See my photos below.

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Despite this being a large park, there really are limited operating opportunities.  To start off with I travelled along Denver Road towards the old Wyndgate homestead.  I reached a gate, which was open, and ventured a few hundred metres down the road, but found some cars parked at the homestead, so I decided to turn around as I was not sure if I was allowed to be where I was.


Above:- the gate at Denver Road

I then travelled back along Denver Road and then onto Randell Road.  I soon had the park to my right.  However, there was an electric fence and no tree cover.

I travelled to the very end of Denver Road, but could not find any suitable places to access the park.  There were some nice views from here across the water to the little town of Clayton.


There was even a trig point here, but no SOTA summit!


I then travelled to the end of Mills Road, but again did not find any suitable access points into the park.  I then tried Goolwa Channel Drive, but with the nearby shacks and holidays homes I decided against this spot due to the possible noise.

I decided to try my luck along Mundoo Channel Drive.  Along the way I detoured to the Murray Mouth lookout.

The Murray Mouth is influenced by the flow of River Murray water through the barrages and tidal movement from the Southern Ocean.  When River Murray flows to South Australia are low, barrage releases are low and sand deposits occur inside the mouth causing restrictions and increasing the risk of closure.  It is important that the mouth remains open to maintain connectivity between the river, the Coorong and the Southern Ocean, to discharge salt and other nutrients out to sea, and to maintain healthy ecosystems in the Coorong.


This is certainly well worth a look if you are on the island.  There are also some great views of the Coorong, a lagoon ecosystem which runs parallel with the coastal dunes for about 140 km.  Its name is thought to be a corruption of the local Aboriginal people’s word kurangh, meaning “long neck”; a reference to the shape of the lagoon system. The name is also thought to be from the Aboriginal word Coorang, “sand dune”, a reference to the sand dunes that form the Younghusband Peninsula.

A huge amount of planting of native plants is being undertaken in the park.  During my visit there were a number of planting teams hard at work in the park.

I set up off Mundoo Channel Drive.  There was a newly created car parking area opposite the boat launching area.  I climbed over the fence and found some shade and set up my deck chair and the fold up table.  I ran the Yaesu FT-857d and the 20/40/80m linked dipole for this activation, with the power output set at 40 watts.

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Above:- Map showing the park boundaries (in green) and my operating spot.  Map courtesy of Location SA Map Viewer.

My operating spot was opposite Mundoo Channel and in close proximity to the Coorong National Park and the Mouth of the Murray, as the photo below shows.


Above:- The Mouth of the Murray.  My operating spot on Hindmarsh Island is indicated with the red arrow.

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Above:- Aerial view of Hindmarsh Island, showing my operating spot, my home QTH, the Murray Mouth, and Adelaide in the background.  Image courtesy of Google Maps.

I headed to my nominated operating frequency of 7.144 and started calling CQ.  First in the log was Geoff VK3SQ who was become a regular park hunter.  Geoff had a very nice 5/9 signal from Beechworth in north eastern Victoria.  This was followed by Malcom VK1AAH in Canberra, who was also 5/9, followed by Rod VK7FRJG in Tasmania (also 5/9), and then Stuart VK3STU in Melbourne (again 5/9).  Band conditions on 40m seemed very good.

As it was a Monday, calls from the park hunters were not as frenetic as a weekend.  It took me about 20 minutes to reach contact number 10, qualifying the park for me for the VKFF program.  Contact number 10 being with Mike VK3KMH who was 5/9 +.  Callers were steady but it appeared as though I may not get the 44 QSOs required to qualify the park for the global WWFF program.  I had to resort to John VK4TJ giving me his other calls from Canada and the USA, to make up the numbers.

It wasn’t until about one hour into the activation that the callers started to really pick up.  I run a paper log out in the field, and each page contains 34 QSOs.  I always enjoy reaching the 34 QSO mark, as this means a new page, and just 10 QSOs to go for the park to be qualified.

I ended up logging a total of 53 QSOs on 40m from VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, and VK7, with the vast majority of signals being very good.  Even the lower down stations were very readable, as there was NO noise in the park.  The band was dead silent when I released the PTT button.  Close in propagation was not working on 40m, with only Les VK5KLV from Port Augusta and Greg VK5GJ logged.

I headed off to 80m where I called CQ, and this was answered by George VK3MVP who had followed me down from 40m.  Next up was Greg VK5GJ running QRP 4 watts with a good 5/8 signal.  I logged a further 8 stations on 80m from VK2, VK3, and VK5.  Again, despite it being daylight, my signal was being quite well heard in Victoria and New South Wales.  I would encourage all park activators to give 80m a go during their activation.

I then headed over to 14.310 on the 20m band and logged just 3 stations.  The first being John VK4TJ, followed by Jonathan VK7JON, and finally Phil VK6ADF.

To complete the activation I head back to 40m for a quick QSO with my wife Marija VK5FMAZ, who had arrived home from work.

After 2 & 1/2 hours in the park I had a total of 67 stations in the log, on 20, 40, & 80m SSB, and another unique park in the bag for me as an activator.

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK3SQ
  2. VK1AAH
  3. VK7FRJG
  4. VK3STU
  5. VK2GKA
  6. VK2FABE
  7. VK3BBB
  8. VK3PF
  9. VK2NP
  10. VK3KMH
  11. VK7JON
  12. VK2VRC
  13. VK3TKK/m
  14. VK3ZMD
  15. VK3ARG
  16. VK4RF
  17. VK4HA
  18. VK3PAT/m
  19. VK3OHM
  20. VK3FLJD
  21. VK3MBW
  22. VK4TJ
  23. VK4/AC8WN
  24. VK4/VE6XT
  25. VK1JY
  26. VK1AT
  27. VK3FMAA/m
  28. VK3KMA
  29. VK3VGB
  30. VK2DSG
  31. VK3FJAE
  32. VK3UH
  33. VK2HHA
  34. VK3GGG
  35. VK3PMG
  36. VK5MR
  37. VK3DHI/4
  38. VK3FAHS
  39. VK1FWBK
  40. VK2YMU
  41. VK5KLV
  42. VK3MVP
  43. VK3FOTO/m
  44. VK5GJ
  45. VK4VCO/m
  46. VK4YLU
  47. VK3VIN
  48. VK3GAZ
  49. VK3UT
  50. VK4HNS
  51. VK3PTL
  52. VK2LO
  53. VK2SOL
  54. VK5FMAZ

I worked the following stations on 80m SSB:-

  1. VK3MVP
  2. VK5GJ
  3. VK5ATN
  4. VK5FANA
  5. VK5PL
  6. VK5KLV
  7. VK3PF
  8. VK2EXA
  9. VK3SQ
  10. VK2MOP

I worked the following stations on 20m SSB:-

  1. VK4TJ
  2. VK7JON
  3. VK6ADF




Department of Enviroment, Water and Natural Resources, 2017, <;, viewed 28th August 2017

Natural Resources SA Murray Darling Basin, 2017, <;, viewed 28th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2016, <,_South_Australia&gt;, viewed 28th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 28th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 28th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 28th August 2017

ILLW and Marino Conservation Park 5CP-126 and VKFF-1056

Yesterday (Saturday 19th August 2017) my wife Marija VK5FMAZ and I headed down to the southern suburbs of Adelaide and activated the Marino Rocks lighthouse AU-0018 and the Marino Conservation Park 5CP-126 & VKFF-1056 for the 2017 International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW).

The park is located about 44 km from our home in the Adelaide Hills, and about 19 km south of the city of Adelaide.

This was to be a unique park for both Marija and I as activators for both the World Wide Flora Fauna (WWFF) program, and the VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award.

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Above:- Map showing the location of the Marino Conservation Park.  Image courtesy of Protected Planet.

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is held annually every August.  The ILLW is not a contest.  It is a fun weekend to raise the profile of lighthouses, lightvessels and other navigational aids, and preserve our maritime heritage.


The Marino Rocks lighthouse is a white coloured concrete structure, 14.9 metres (49 feet) high.  The lighthouse is 128 metres (420 feet) above sea level.  It was constructed in 1962 so in relative terms is a young lighthouse.   It shows 2 flashes every 15 seconds with an intensity of 1,000,000 candelas having a range of 42 km.

The Marino Rocks lighthouse supersedes the Wonga Shoal beacon erected on a sandy shoal off Semaphore, which was knocked down by the sailing ship ‘Dimsdale’ in 1912. Consturction of the Wonga Shoal lighthouse was completed by July 1901.  It was an iron structure on screw piles with accommodation for two keepers.  The revolving light, weighing 11 tons floating on a bath of mercury weighing 5 tons, was 74 feet above the highwater and was visible for 19 miles.

On the evening of 16th November 1912 the British ship Dimsdale sailed up Gulf St Vincent, in ballast, seeking cargo.  The Dimsdale’s captain, Captain John Jones had laid a course for the Wonga light and as he drew near, he ordered the course altered to keep the long on his port bow.  However the Dimsdale was slow to respond and despite desperate efforst to avert the accident, the ship struck the lighthouse which crashed into the sea.  Both lighthouse keepers, Henry Franson and Charles McGowan drowned as a result.

A court of inquiry found Captain Jones guilty of negligence and as a result his master’s certificate was suspended for 12 months.  He was acquitted of the criminal offence of manslaughter.

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Above:- A 1913 news article on the outcome of the court case.  Courtesy of Trove.

Following the tragedy, the destroyed lighthouse was replaced temporarily by a lightship, and later by a new steel structure.  When the Marino Rocks lighthouse was completed in the early 1960’s the Wonga Shoal Light was finally extinguished.

The Marino Conservation Park which is 30 ha (74 acres), was established on the 2nd November 1989.  It is located in the southern Adelaide suburb of Marino.  In 1875 a proposal was put forward to build an outer harbour at Marino.  The proposal was furthered in 1880 in a report by Captain H.S. Stanley, R.N.  and in 1901 a Marino Outer Harbour League was formed.  However, in 1908 the construction of the Outer Harbour near Port Adelaide finally laid these plans to rest.

The exact origin of the name of Marino is unclear.   It is generally believed that Marino is named after two landmarks known to Charles Kingston, who bought property in the area in 1849.  Charles Kingston, an Irishman who came out to South Australia on board the Cygnet.  He would often boast that he was “the first Irishman to set foot in the colony”.  Kingston was born in Bandon, County Cork, 19 km from a prominent point called Marino Point.  There was also a Marino district in Dublin.



Above:- George Strickland Kingston.  Courtesy of wikipedia.

In 1840 a small wooden Marino Inn was built in the area.  Three years later, the Inn closed as the expected trade did not eventuate.  Some years later George Kingston decided to convert it into an ‘occasional residence’.  It eventually grew into a large stone home for the Kingston family.  Following the death of George Kingston the home was occupied by his son Charles, and following his death was the home of his eccentric widow, Lucy Kingston who was known as ‘Mad Lucy’.  She is reported to often carry a big stick and knife with her.  A resident at the time reported that he saw a person ‘chatting pleasantly with Mrs Kingston, who had in her possession a razor, a revolver and a bludgeon, when suddenly she made a blow at his head’.   Fortunately we did not encounter anybody like ‘Mad Lucy’ during our activation.


Above:- Kingston House

In the local Aboriginal Kuarna language marra is hand and marrana is the plural – hands. In early maps the area was referred to as Marina.  In the book ‘South Australia.  What’s in a name’ dated 1908, there is a suggestion that the name represents the Italian spelling of the word marine.  A writer in the South Australian Magazine in 1842 states: “Marino was not named as some suppose, from a seaport of Italy, but probably from San Marino, the inland town in a Republic of the same name, situated on that side which is bounded by the Adriatic Sea, and called after its founder, San Marinus”.

The Marino Conservation Park aims to protect flora such as the ground cover Desert Saw Sedge and Twiggy Daisy Bush Oleria ramulosa.  Native grass species such as Danthonia species and Stipa species as well as groundcovers dominate the central and eastern portions of the conservation park.  The Elegant Wattle can also be seen in the conservation park.  The steep west-facing hillside above the railway line contains a very significant remnant area of coastal heath vegetation, including rare plants such as lemon beauty heads, shiny ground berry and native apricot.   

Over 39 species of native bird have been recorded in the park including Crested Pigeon, Singing Honeyeater, Australian Magpie, Little Raven, Willie Wagtail, Silvereye, Australian Pipit, Australian Hobby, Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Black-faced Cuckooshrike, and Brown Songlark.

There is a 1.5 km self-guided botanical trail in the park which starts from the car park with two gentle hills to climb.  There are also a number of wooden benches allowing you to catch your breath and enjoy the amazing views.

There is an active Friends of the Parks group for Marino.  We spoke with a few of those during our activation and they were both very interested in what we were doing.

We accessed the park via Nymboya Road.  There is a car parking area here.  There is no vehicular access into the park beyond the locked gate here.  So we loaded up the gear on a sack trolley and in a backpack, and commenced the 1.5 km walk to the lighthouse.  We followed the 4wd track which ran towards the southern section of the park and then followed the southern boundary of the park.

We set up under the shade of some trees near a walking trail to the north west of the lighthouse.

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Above:- Aerial view of the park showing our operating spot.  Image courtesy of Protected Planet.

Once we got to the lighthouse we took a breather and enjoyed the sensational views back towards the Adelaide CBD and along the Adelaide coastline.

There were also some sensational views out across the Gulf St Vincent towards Yorke Peninsula.  There were quite a few boats out in the Gulf taking advantage of the fantastic weather.

For this activation we ran the Yaesu FT-857d set at 10 watts PEP for Marija, and 40 watts for me.  Our antenna was a 80/40/20m linked dipole, inverted vee, supported on a 7m heavy duty telescopic squid pole.


Above:- ‘the shack’

Despite literature and signs stating that dogs may be walked in the park along designated trails, and that they must remain under your control on a lead at all times, this didn’t occur in practice at the park during our visit.  We even had a woman walking her dog off the lead, with the dog running up to us and peeing alongside our table just after we had set up.

I started off the activation, with number one in the log being Geoff VK3SQ at Beechworth.  This was followed by Julie VK3FOWL, Brett VK2FSAV and then Stuart (VK3STU) VK3SPL at the Split Point lighthouse.  Sadly band conditions on 40m were less than ideal, with lots of fading (QSB) on signals.  Many of the regular Victorian park hunters who are normally S9, were a number of S points lower.  Ten contacts are required to qualify a park for the VKFF program, and these normally come very quickly.  It took me 20 minutes to get to contact number 10, which was with Peter VK3KU.

I continued on until I had 44 contacts in the log.  Contact number 44, qualifying the log for me for the global WWFF program, was with VK5BWR at the Point Lowly lighthouse near Whyalla.  It was a little disappointing, as number one the band was in quite poor shape.  And secondly there did not seem to be a lot of lighthouse stations on air.  I had logged just 5 lighthouse activators.  I had managed three Park to Park QSOs.  They being with Stef VK5HSX/2 in VKFF-0065, Gerard VK2JNG/p in VKFF-1778, and Phil VK6CLL in VKFF-0283.

We then swapped ‘driver’s seats’, with Marija taking charge of the mic.  The power was lowered down to 10 watts PEP, the allowable amount under Marija’s Foundation licence.  Marija’s first contact after calling CQ was with VK5BWR at the Point Lowly lighthouse, followed by VK3OLS at the Cape Otway lightstation, and then Geoff VK3SQ.  Marija’s 10th contact, qualifying the park for her for VKFF was with Garry VK7GG.  Whilst I went off for a walk in the park, Marija continued on and had soon racked up 44 contacts.  QSO number 44 for Marija was with Ken VK3UH.  Marija had seven lighthouse stations in the log, and three Park to Park contacts.

I then jumped back on air on 40m, and logged a further 27 stations from Vk1, VK3, VK4, VK5, and VK7, including five more lighthouse stations and another Park to Park with Gerard VK2JNG/p who had moved to a new park, the Glenrock State Conservation Area VKFF-1319.

I took a short lunch break whilst Marija again took charge of the mic logging another 9 stations including VK3OLS at the Cape Otway lightstation AU-0011 and VK3ATL at Point Lonsdale lighthouse AU-0028.

After lunch I jumped back on the mic, and whilst activating, Ian VK5MA arrived to say g’day.  Marija kept Ian company for about 20 minutes whilst I continued to work the steady pile.  Eventually the callers dried up and it was a good opportunity of putting down the mic to say hello to Ian and catch up on his recent trip to VK6, where he activated a number of parks.


Above:- with Ian VK5MA.  Adelaide in the background.

After Ian had left, I tried my luck on the 80m band.  Although there had been a small opening on 40m locally, I was hoping to work a lot more VK5’s on 80m.  Sadly, I logged just 4 stations on 80m, with one of those being VK5ARC at the Point Malcolm lighthouse.  It was a real shame that there were not more callers as the band conditions on 80m were excellent.

I then headed to 14.310 on the 20m band where I logged 13 stations, including a few more lighthouse stations.  My only DX worked on 20m was with Barrie W7ALW in Montanna.  No long path Europe was heard.  Being at the bottom of the solar cycle means that the pile up from Europe which I experienced from many parks years ago, is certainly a thing of the past.  Lets hope conditions improve!

I then moved back to 40m where I logged a further 48 stations.  This included a nice contact with ZL1LIG at the Cape Reinga lighthouse NZ-0020 at the very top of the North Island of New Zealand.  As it was now late afternoon, the European & USA stations were starting to come through.  I had 2 USA stations come up on 7.140 where I was operating, with one of those being very loud.  I apologise to those who were calling that I wasn’t able to pull through, as the QRM was just too great.  I boxed on for a few minutes before QSYing to 7.137 where I worked 5 stations before going QRT.


Above:- Cape Reinga lighthouse.  c/o

It was fast approaching 5.30 p.m. local time and it was starting to get very cold.  The temperature had dropped dramatically to around 8 deg C.  I had pushed my luck with Marija, having been in the park all day.  Marija and I packed up, with a total of 210 contacts in the log, including 22 different Australian lighthouses and one NZ lighthouse.  Amongst that were also 10 Park to Park contacts.  Whilst packing up and walking back to the vehicle we enjoyed a magnificent sunset.

We worked the following lighthouses:-

  • VK2BOR, Tacking Point lighthouse AU-0034
  • VK2EP, Smoky Cape lighthouse AU-0031
  • VK2HBG, Warden Head lighthouse AU-0035
  • VK3DNQ, Cape Nelson lighthouse AU-0055
  • VK3APC, Eastern Light McCrae AU-0017
  • VK3ATL, Point Lonsdale lighthouse AU-0028
  • VK3DJ, Queenscliff ‘Black’ lighthouse AU-0049 & AU-0096
  • VK3ILH, Citadel light Port Albert AU-0110
  • VK3OLS, Cape Otway lightstation AU-0011
  • VK3SPL, Split Point lighthouse AU-0032
  • VK3WI, Williamstown Time Ball Tower AU-0036
  • VK5ARC, Point Malcolm lighthouse AU—29
  • VK5BWR, Point Lowly lightstation AU-0021
  • VK5CJL, Cape Jervis lighthouse AU-0094
  • VK5ZGY/p, Cape Banks lighthouse AU-0121
  • VK5ZII, Tipara Reef lighthouse AU-0053
  • VK6CLL, Cape Leeuwin lighthouse AU-0008
  • VK6CNL, Cape Naturaliste lighthouse AU-0010
  • VK7LH, Low Head lighthouse AU-0048
  • VK7GG, Rocky Cape lighthouse AU-0066
  • VK7TZ, Round Hill Point lighthouse AU-0111
  • ZL1LIG, Cape Reinga lighthouse NZ-0020


Marija worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK5HSX/2 (Bundjalung National Park VKFF-0065)
  2. VK2JNG/p (Blue Gum Hills Regional Park VKFF-1778)
  3. VK6CLL (Cape Leeuwin lighthouse AU-0008 and Leuwin-Naturaliste National Park VKFF-0283)
  4. VK5BWR (Point Lowly lighthouse AU-0021)
  5. VK3OLS (Cape Otway lightstation AU-0011)
  6. VK3SQ
  7. VK3GGG
  8. VK3PMG
  9. VK7KJL
  10. VK7GG
  11. VK5FANA
  12. VK5FMWW
  13. VK3TKK/m
  14. VK3BNC
  15. VK3SFG
  16. VK7JON
  17. VK3ARH
  18. VK3NLK
  19. VK3PF
  20. VK7TZ (Round Hill Point lighthouse AU-0011)
  21. VK5VCO
  22. VK3MKM
  23. VK5MK
  24. VK3SPL (Split Point lighthouse AU-0032)
  25. VK3ZPF
  26. VK3DX (Lady Bay Upper & Lower lighthouses AU-0049 & AU-0096)
  27. VK5ZGY/p (Cape Banks lighthouse AU-0121)
  28. VK2BOR
  29. VK5KBF
  30. VK3LCW
  31. VK3AFB
  32. VK7RX/3
  33. VK3FLJD
  34. VK3FRDL
  35. VK2PKT
  36. VK5EMI
  37. VK3FOWL
  38. VK2KYO
  39. VK3ANL
  40. VK5DWC
  41. VK3FMMB
  42. VK6JAH/p
  43. VK3HKV
  44. VK3UH
  45. VK5NAL
  46. VK1AT
  47. VK2JNG/p (Glenrock State Conservation Area VKFF-1319)
  48. VK7HSC
  49. VK2YW
  50. VK3FI
  51. VK3OAK
  52. VK3MBW
  53. VK3OLS (Cape Otway lightstation AU-0011)
  54. VK2MTC
  55. VK3ATL (Point Lonsdale lighthouse AU-0028)
  56. VK2HHA
  57. VK3APC/p (Eastern Light McCrae AU-0017)
  58. VK3ILH (Citadel light, Port Albert AU-0110)

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK3SQ
  2. VK3FOWL
  3. VK2FSAV
  4. VK3SPL (Split Point lighthouse AU-0032)
  5. VK3MKM
  6. VK4HNS/p
  7. VK5HYZ
  8. VK2WQ
  9. VK3ER
  10. VK3KU
  11. VK5HSX/2 (Bundjalung National Park VKFF-0065)
  12. VK3SFG
  13. VK2VW
  14. VK3DNH
  15. VK2NP
  16. VK3ARH
  17. VK4PDX
  18. VK2UH
  19. VK4RF
  20. VK4HA
  21. VK3PF
  22. VK3ZPF
  23. VK1DI
  24. VK3DJ/p (Queenscliff ‘Black’ lighthouse AU-0050)
  25. VK7VKV/6
  26. VK1HW
  27. VK3KYO
  28. VK3IRM
  29. VK2JNG/p (Blue Gum Hills Regional Park VKFF-1778)
  30. VK3TKK/m
  31. VK6CLL (Cape Leeuwin lighthouse AU-0008 and Leuwin-Naturaliste National Park VKFF-0283)
  32. VK5MK
  33. VK2PKT
  34. VK3PAT
  35. VK3FOGY
  36. VK3JDA
  37. VK3MNZ
  38. VK3MCK
  39. VK3GGG
  40. VK3PMG
  41. VK3OLS (Cape Otway lightstation AU-0011)
  42. VK5FILL
  43. VK7GG
  44. VK5BWR (Point Lowly lighthouse AU-0021)
  45. VK1AT
  46. VK5NAL
  47. VK5ZGY/p (Cape Banks lighthouse AU-0121)
  48. VK5NM
  49. VK5FMLO
  50. VK4QQ
  51. VK5KIK
  52. VK3LCW
  53. VK3PP
  54. VK3RW
  55. VK3GMC
  56. VK3WI (Williamstown Timeball Tower AU-0036)
  57. VK3XV/p
  58. VK2BOR (Tacking Point Lighthouse AU-0034)
  59. VK3UH
  60. VK2HBG/p (Warden Head lighthouse AU-0035)
  61. VK5MR
  62. VK3DNQ/p (Cape Nelson lighthouse AU-0055)
  63. VK3ANL
  64. VK7DW
  65. VK2HHA
  66. VK2JNG/p (Glenrock State Conservation Area VKFF-1319)
  67. VK3MRH
  68. VK2GKA
  69. VK4FARR
  70. VK7HSC
  71. VK2YW
  72. VK3APC (Eastern Light McCrae AU-0017)
  73. VK7OT
  74. VK5ND
  75. VK1RZ
  76. VK1MTS
  77. VK7JON
  78. VK7GG/m (Rocky Cape lighthouse AU-0066)
  79. VK3QS
  80. VK3TCT
  81. VK3YE
  82. VK5YX
  83. VK3MBW
  84. VK2YK
  85. VK2WWV
  86. VK3CCW
  87. VK5FANA
  88. VK2BHO
  89. VK3ILH (Citadel light, Port Albert AU-0110)
  90. VK5DWC
  91. VK5GI
  92. VK5LA
  93. VK5FMWW
  94. VK5DW
  95. VK3FI
  96. VK3PI
  97. VK3LK
  98. VK7LH/p (Low Head lighthouse AU-0048)
  99. VK5NPP/p
  100. VK6CNL (Cape Naturaliste lighthouse AU-0010)
  101. VK2FOUZ
  102. VK5ZII/p (Tipara Reef lighthouse AU-0053)
  103. VK5FPAC
  104. VK4TMZ
  105. VK5XY
  106. VK4CGW/p
  107. VK1MDP
  108. ZL1LIG (Cape Reinga lighthouse NZ-0020)
  109. VK5KC
  110. VK2EP (Smoky Cape lighthouse AU-0031)
  111. VK5CJL (Cape Jervis lighthouse AU-0094)
  112. VK3SPL (Split Point lighthouse AU-0032)
  113. VK3MCD
  114. VK2HLK
  115. VK3NUC
  116. VK3NU
  117. VK2LEE
  118. VK6FFAR
  119. ZL4KD
  120. VK4ZD
  121. VK6BSA
  122. VK4TUB
  123. VK2QK
  124. VK6EA
  125. VK5HBE
  126. VK4PDR
  127. VK2DE
  128. VK4QP/p
  129. VK3MPR
  130. VK2JAZ
  131. VK6FNLW
  132. VK6NTE
  133. VK2PDW
  134. VK5FIVE
  135. VK7FRJG

I worked the following stations on 80m SSB:-

  1. VK5FANA
  2. VK5ARC/p (Point Malcolm lighthouse AU-0029)
  3. VK5SF
  4. VK5GJ

I worked the following stations on 20m SSB:-

  1. VK2VOL
  2. VK6CLL (Cape Leeuwin lighthouse AU-0008 and Leuwin-Naturaliste National Park VKFF-0283)
  3. VK6ADF/p (Cape Leeuwin lighthouse AU-0008 and Leuwin-Naturaliste National Park VKFF-0283)
  4. VK6XN/p (Cape Leeuwin lighthouse AU-0008 and Leuwin-Naturaliste National Park VKFF-0283)
  5. VK2LEE
  6. VK6SN
  7. VK4FI
  8. VK4DP
  9. W7ALW
  10. VK4DL
  11. VK4SMA
  12. VK6NU
  13. VK5NRG



Birds SA, 2017, <;, viewed 20th August 2017

Cockburn, R., 2002, ‘South Australia What’s in a Name?’

Nicol; S., 1997, Adelaide Region RAA Touring book

Professional Historians Australia, 2017, <;, viewed 20th August 2017

SeaSide Lights, 2017, <;, viewed 20th August 2017

State Library South Australia, 2017, <;, viewed 20th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 20th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <,_South_Australia&gt;, viewed 20th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 20th August 2017

Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary VKFF-1880

Yesterday (Monday 14th August 2017) I commenced a few days off from work, and as it was such a beautiful sunny day I decided to head down to Port Adelaide and activate one of the newly added parks for the World Wide Flora Fauna program, the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary VKFF-1880.  This was to be the first time that this reference was put on air.

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Above:- Map showing the location of the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary.  Map courtesy of Google maps.

The Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary is located near Port Adelaide.  You could spend days here wandering around the streets of the Port.  Port Adelaide is well known for its well preserved 19th century buildings which reflect the maritime history of the area.

Amongst the many things to see is the and the Clipper ship, the City of Adelaide, which is the world’s oldest surviving clipper ship.  The City of Adelaide was built in Sunderland, England, and launched on 7th May 1864.  The ship was commissioned in the Royal Navy as HMS Carrick between 1923 and 1948 and, after decommissioning, was known as Carrick until 2001.  At a conference convened by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in 2001, the decision was made to revert the ship’s name to City of Adelaide, and the duke formally renamed her at a ceremony in 2013.

When the City of Adelaide was decommissioned she was towed to the River Clyde in Scotland where it remained until 1991, when she sank.  She was recovered by the Scottish Maritime Museum and remained there in the slipway until the Scottish Maritime Museum was issued an eviction notice by the owners of the slipway.

In 2010, the Scottish Government decided that the ship would be moved to Adelaide, to be preserved as a museum ship. In September 2013 the ship moved by barge from Scotland to the Netherlands to prepare for transport to Australia. In late November 2013, loaded on the deck of a cargo ship, City of Adelaide departed Europe bound for Port Adelaide, Australia, where she arrived on 3 February 2014.

Port Adelaide is a busy port, although a large amount of the very large ships now berth at Outer Harbor.

Also located close to the sanctuary is the Adelaide Submarine Corporation, a naval shipbuilder for the Royal Australian Navy’s Collins class submarines and Hobart class destroyers.

The Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary was established in June 2005 as a result of community concerns about the safety of the dolphins living in the Port Adelaide River and Barker Inlet and their environment.  During 2002 the South Australian Government undertook public consultation to gain an understanding of how the community wanted the dolphins cared for.  As a result of overwhelming support, the Parliament proclaimed The Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Act 2005.

The sanctuary which is known as one of the best and most easily accessible Dolphin Sanctuaries in the world, consists of an area of 118 square kilometres and is located on the eastern shore of Gulf St Vincent.  The sanctuary includes the Port Adelaide River and Barker Inlet and from there it stretches around to North Haven Marina, then north around Outer Harbor and up the coast to the Port Gawler Conservation Park.  The area includes a 10,000 year old mangrove forest, seagrass, saltmarsh, tidal flats, tidal creeks and estuarine rivers, all of which combine to provide habitat for dolphins and their food resources.

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The sanctuary is home to around 30-40 resident Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins.  Around 300 or so dolphins are thought to regularly visit the area.  This species of dolphin grows to 2.6 metres (8.5 ft) long, and weighs up to 230 kilograms.  They are not to be confused with Common bottlenose dolphins.  Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins live in groups that can number in the hundreds, but groups of five to 15 dolphins are most common.  Their life span is around 40 years.  Dolphins can dive to depths of more than 500 metres, but they must surface for air every few minutes.  Like whales, dolphins breathe through a blowhole on the top of their heads.


A Port River dolphin.  Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Other wildlife located in the sanctuary include Long nosed fur seals, Southern Eagle Rays, and the endangered Australia Sea Lion.

The area is also a popular bird watching site and shares most of its northern coastal habitat with the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary.   The sanctuary is home to many species of birds including some rare and endangered species.  More than 250 species have been recorded.  Certainly during my visit, the area was alive with birdlife.  Some of those that I observed are captured in the photographs below.

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The dolphins within the sanctuary are regularly under threat.  This includes marine litter and entanglement, harrassment and disturbance, disease, habitat degradation and pollution, and vessel strikes and noise.  Human activities include dredging, boat-generated wave action, anchoring, bait digging, illegal rubbish dumping, human foot traffic, industrial discharges, stormwater runoff, construction of wharves and shore reclamation.  Discarded fishing gear poses a high threat to dolphins within the sanctuary, with a number of dolphins having become entangled by fishing line, nets and rope.


Above:- the nearby power station.

I decided to travel down Grand Trunkway and onto Garden Island.  The island was a major landfill site until 2001.   Garden Island is well known as being a ship’s graveyard.   Instead of scuttling obsolete vessels in deep water, the South Australian Harbours Board decided that an easier and cheaper option was to beach and further dismantle the stripped hulks at Garden Island.  There are a total of 25 wrecks known to have been abandoned at Garden Island.

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Above:- Aerial view of the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary, showing my operating spot.  Image courtesy of Google maps.

I travelled to the end of Garden Island Road and set up on the lawned area close to the waters edge, overlooking Angus Inlet.  As it was a warm and sunny day, this was an ideal place to set up, underneath the shade of the trees.

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Above:- Aerial shot showing my operating spot.  Image courtesy of Google maps.

I was a little worried about potential noise, as the power station was nearby, along with the huge power lines running out of the station to Adelaide.  And my fears were confirmed when I switched on the Yaesu FT-857d.  I had strength 8 noise.  I decided to box on and put up with the noise, rather than packing up and relocating.  I suspect that most operating spots in the sanctuary would be noisy due to the large amount of industry in the area.

First in the log was Yern VK2KJJ, followed by Dennis VK2HHA, and then Tom VK5ZTS in the northern suburbs of Adelaide.  Tom had a great 5/9 + signal.  It was clear that propagation into Adelaide was going to be good during this activation, due to ground wave.  Contact number 10, qualifying the park for me for VKFF was with Nik VK3NLK, about 15 minutes into the activation.

The noise floor did drop to strength 7 during the activation, but it was still very hard going pulling out some of the lower signals.  I apologise to those who were calling that I was unable to work.  I know there were a number of stations who called that I was just unable to pull through the noise.

I logged a total of 47 stations on the 40m band from VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, VK6 and VK7.  I then called CQ on 3.610 on the 80m band where I logged 3 contacts.  They being with Ron VK5MRE in the Riverland, who had followed me down from 40m.  Also Greg VK5GJ in the Adelaide Hills and Yern VK2KJJ in Wagga Wagga.  Very pleased with that contact considering the time of day on 80m.

To wrap up the activation I called CQ on 14.310 on the 20m band.  Unfortunately Rick VK4RF/VK4HA was the only station logged there.

Whilst activating I observed a number of dolphins cruising by in Angus Inlet.

After just short of 2 hours in the park it was time to go QRT and head for home.  I had a total of 52 contacts in the log and another unique park to add to my activator tally.

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK2KJJ
  2. VK2HHA
  3. VK5ZTS
  4. VK3ARH
  5. VK3PF
  6. VK7JON
  7. VK2YK
  8. VK4RZ
  9. VK3SQ
  10. VK3NLK
  11. VK5KIK
  12. VK5KDK
  13. VK4TJ
  14. VK4/AC8WN
  15. VK4/VE6XT
  16. VK5BJE
  17. VK3FLJD
  18. VK3HBG
  19. VK4HNS/p
  20. VK2QK
  21. VK2JNG/m
  22. VK3FNQS
  23. VK3NQS
  24. VK3AMX
  25. VK4RF
  26. VK4HA
  27. VK5HYZ
  28. VK3GGG
  29. VK3PMG
  30. VK2YW
  31. VK3BNJ
  32. VK3LCW
  33. VK2KYO
  34. VK5KLV
  35. VK3BBB
  36. VK3VGB
  37. VK3MROZ/m
  38. VK3MRH
  39. VK2NP
  40. VK6XN
  41. VK4SMA
  42. VK5MR
  43. VK3FI
  44. VK2TH
  45. VK3FLCS
  46. VK5MRE
  47. VK3SFG

I worked the following stations on 80m SSB:-

  1. VK5MRE
  2. VK5GJ
  3. VK2KJJ

I worked the following stations on 20m SSB:-

  1. VK4RF
  2. VK4HA



Department for Environment and Heritage, 2007, Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Management Plan.

Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources, 2017, <;, viewed 15th August 2017

Government of South Australia, 2014, Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary users Guide

National Parks South Australia, 2017, <;, viewed 15th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 15th August 2017

Wikipedia, 2017, <;, viewed 15th August 2017

Nurragi Conservation Reserve VKFF-2247

On the weekend just gone I was working afternoon shift and as a result would not be able to compete in the Remembrance Day Contest.  This was a real shame as the weather was fantastic and I was hoping to go portable for the contest.  So instead I decided for a quick morning activation on Saturday 12th August 2017.

I headed to the Nurragi Conservation Reserve VKFF-2247, which is located about 70 km south east of Adelaide.  This is a newly added park to the World Wide Flora Fauna (WWFF) program, and my activation would be the first time the park had been put on air.

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Above: Map showing the location of the Nurragi Conservation Park, south east of Adelaide.  Map courtesy of Location SA Map Viewer.

The Nurragi Conservation Reserve follows the old branch railway line to Milang and runs a distance of about 12 km, from Sandergrove to Milang.  The park is about 65 hectares in size.  The Friends of Nurragi was established in 1988 to protect and restore the reserve and in 1991 the Minister of Lands dedicated the area as a Nature Conservation and Plantation Reserve under the Crown Lands Act 1929.

The reserve forms a wildlife corridor linking the eastern Mount Lofty Ranges with Lake Alexandrina and contains extremely important vegetation in a region that has been cleared of over 98% of its original cover.   More than 300 native plant species are present, with over 50 of those being of particular conservation significance (eg rare or endangered).   It preserves remnant mallee vegetation including square-fruited mallee, narrow-leaved red mallee, peppermint box, and native apricot.  Understorey plants include wallowa, needle bush wattle and broombush.

During my visit there were a few flowering native plants, particularly the wattles, which were vivid yellow.

Over 95 species of birds have been recorded in the park including Peaceful Dove, Weebill, Australian Magpie, Little Raven, Grey Shrikethrush, Diamond Firetail, Southern Boobook, Red-capped Robin, Hooded Robin, and Rufous Whistler.  Native mammals found in the park include Western Grey kangaroos, Brush-tailed possums and bats.  About 11 reptile species have been recorded including the Sand Goanna.

During my visit the park was alive with New Holland Honeyeaters and Superb Fairy Wrens.  I also spotted a Shrike Thrush (I think?)

I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of interpretive signs in the park, no doubt the result of the hard work of the Friends of Nurragi.

The park commences at the town of Milang, which is located on the banks of Lake Alexandrina.  Between 1860 and 1880 Milang was one of South Australia’s busiest ports.  It connected Adelaide with the thriving river trade.  Wool from the Darling and Upper Murray stations was landed at Milang and then transported by horse and bullock teams to Port Adelaide. Wheat was transported to Milang, processed at its flour mills and then shipped back as flour.

A number of historic buildings remain in Milang.  But sadly, an impressive group of Landseer buildings which stood in the main street were demolished in the 1950’s and replaced by the present day shopping centre.  What a great shame!  Albert Landseer was one of South Australia’s principal river merchants.


Above:- Milang in the late 1800’s.  Image courtesy of


Above:- the former Landseer buidlings in the main street of Milang.  Image courtesy of

In May 1854, the first public railway in South Australia was completed, linking Goolwa and Port Elliot.  The success of the Goolwa-Port Elliot line aroused interest in Strathalbyn where local business men saw advantages for them in a direct link with the new port at Victor Harbor.  In 1857 a group of 20 people attended a meeting at the Lake Hotel in Milang, in support of a line from Strathalbyn to Milang.  Unfortunately a larger meeting at Strathalbyn resulted in confirmation that the line would run from Strathalbyn to Middleton on the south coast.

In 1881 there was a new push for a branch line to Milang.  A Select Committee was appointed by the South Australian Government.  On the 8th November 1881 the House of Assembly passed the ‘Strathalbyn and Milang Railway Bill’.  Tenders for the construction of both lines were called on the 18th April 1882 and Walker and Swann were successful in obtaining the joint contract for a price of ₤143,678.

The Milang branch line was opened  on the 17th December 1884 from a junction with the Victor Harbor line at Sandergrove.  At Sandergrove the Milang line served as the passing siding for the station, sharing an island passenger platform with the Victor Harbor main line.  A goods siding also catered for local goods consignments.  The only intermediate station was at Nurragi where there was a 70m long goods siding.  There was also a passenger stop at Punkulde where the line crossed the Milang-Finniss road.

At one stage there was a small turntable at Sandergrove to turn locomotives working to Milang.  Through most of its later life the branchline was operated with Brill railcars.  The last passenger service ran 30 November 1968 with the line closed on 17th June 1970.


Above:- a loco on the Milang branch line

If you are in Milang I highly recommend a visit to the Port Milang Historic Railway Museum.  The museum is located on the banks of Lake Alexandrina and tells the story of the Lakes Railways, displays a collection of South Australian rolling stock and equipment.

Although the Milang line has long since closed, the line between Mount Barker where I live, and Victor Harbor, is still used by SteamRanger Heritage Railway which runs a number of different heritage steam and diesel hauled tourist trains through the Adelaide Hills and along the South Coast to Victor Harbor.


Above:- the Mount Barker to Victor Habor line.

I set up right in the middle of the park, off Nurragi Road.  There was a small area here off the road for me to park the vehicle, and make a short walk to where I set up.  I ran my normal portable set up for this activation consisting of the Yaesu FT-857d, 40 watts output, and the 80/40/20m linked dipole, inverted vee at 7 metres at the apex.

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Above:- Aerial shot of the park (indicated in blue), showing my operating spot.  Image courtesy of

I was all set up and ready to go by around 9.30 a.m. local time.  First in the log was Peter VK3PF, who is well and truly leading the pack when it comes to park hunters in Australia.  Next was another keen park hunter, Dennis VK2HHA from Albury, followed by my good wife Marija VK5FMAZ.  It was very slow going and I had real doubts that I was not going to reach my 44 contacts which are required to qualify the park for the global WWFF program.  Contact number 10, qualifying the park for me for the VKFF program, was with Kevin VK3HKK.

Shortly afterwards I worked Stef VK5HSX who was portable in the Girraween National Park VKFF-0198.  It is always nice to get a Park to Park contact in the log during an acivation.  I went on to work a total of 22 stations on the 40m band before callers dried up.  I headed over to the 80m band where I called CQ on 3.610.  This was answered by John VK5NJ in Mount Gambier who was booming in at 5/9 +.  Mark VK5QI then called, followed by Les VK5KLV at Port Augusta in the north of South Australia, and then Mick VK3GGG/VK3PMG in western Victoria.

I then headed back to the 40m band where I logged a further 31 stations from VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, and VK7.  My 44th contact came at 90 minutes into the activation, with a QSO with Andrew VK5MR at Roxby Downs in the north of South Australia.

I then headed back to 80m hoping to get my wife Marija VK5FMAZ in the log.  She had just arrived home from shopping and we had corresponded via SMS.  Marija was my first taker after calling CQ, followed by David VK5PL in the Barossa Valley and then Wolf VK5WF in Adelaide.  I then worked Geoff VK3SQ at Beechworth in north eastern Victoria, John VK5BJE in the Adelaide Hills, and finally Allen VK3ARH.  More proof that 80m works very well, even in the middle of the day.

I then received a SMS message from David VK5KC to advise he was portable in a park on the Eyre Peninsula.  So I quickly lowered the squid pole and removed the 80m links and headed to 7.144.  I logged David who was activating the Laura Bay Conservation Park VKFF-1048.

I then tried my luck on 20m.  It was too early for any DX, but I did log a total of 4 stations from VK4 and VK6.  To finish off the activation I moved back to 7.135 on 40m where I picked up 2 more stations.

It was approaching 12.30 p.m. and I needed to pack up and head home for some lunch and a shower, and then off to work.  I had a total of 71 contacts in the log and another unique park activated.  Thanks to everyone who called and thanks to those who spotted me.

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK3PF
  2. VK2HHA
  3. VK5FMAZ
  4. VK3NLK
  5. VK2WG
  6. VK2MT/p
  7. VK6HRC/p
  8. VK2QK
  9. VK3SFG
  10. VK3HKK
  11. VK4CPS
  12. VK3KMH
  13. VK3MRO/m
  14. VK5HSX/4 (Girraween National Park VKFF-0198)
  15. VK2PKT
  16. VK1DI
  17. VK6XN
  18. VK2NP
  19. VK3JP
  20. VK4PDX
  21. VK3MCK
  22. VK2LEE
  23. VK2KYO
  24. VK2VW
  25. VK4TJ
  26. VK4/AC8WN
  27. VK4/VE6XT
  28. VK2YK
  29. VK3GYH
  30. VK3GGG
  31. VK3PMG
  32. VK3MCD/p
  33. VK3FRAB
  34. VK3FMJP
  35. VK3TKK/m
  36. VK2JDR
  37. VK3FOGY
  38. VK2MTC
  39. VK5MR
  40. VK3BBB
  41. VK3JDA
  42. VK3MKM
  43. VK3ZZS/p
  44. VK3SQ
  45. VK2MSQ
  46. VK5KLV
  47. VK3ZVX
  48. VK3ER
  49. VK3FOTO/m
  50. VK7JON
  51. VK7NWT
  52. VK5GJ
  53. VK2GKA
  54. VK5KC/p (Laura Bay Conservation Park VKFF-1048)
  55. VK3STU
  56. VK7GG

I worked the following stations on 80m SSB:-

  1. VK5NJ
  2. VK5QI
  3. VK5KLV
  4. VK3GGG
  5. VK3PMG
  6. VK5FMAZ
  7. VK5PL
  8. VK5WF
  9. VK3SQ
  10. VK5BJE
  11. VK3ARH

I worked the following stations on 20m SSB:-

  1. VK4QQ
  2. VK4ZD
  3. VK6AKT
  4. VK4TJ



Birds SA, 2017, <;, viewed 11th August 2017

Milang, 2017, <;, viewed 14th August 2017

National Trust, 2017, <;, viewed 11th August 2017

Steamranger, 2017, <;, viewed 11th August 2017

Walking SA, 2017, <;, viewed 11th August 2017