QRP 3-watt QSO to the USA

Last night I joined the Southern Cross DX Net on 20m, which is one of the regular DX Nets that I check in to. I worked numerous North American stations on the Net, and amongst those was Michael W4ALM in Orlando, Florida.

What made the QSO with Michael so special was that he was running QRP with only 3 watts with a home brew tx and a homebrew inverted vee dipole.

Michael’s transceiver was a homebrew tr9uSDX QRP kit radio.

Below is a short piece of audio that Michael has provided to me. Michael mentions he was running 3 watts and then 30 watts, but he later corrected this to confirm that he was running just 3 watts.

Congratulations Michael. Great QSO.


Yesterday I received a letter and QSL card from the Thai Meteorological Department for my reception of Bangkok VOLMET on 9th August 2023.

I was very surprised by the quick response to my reception report, and I am very pleased to add the Bangkok VOLMET QSL card to my collection.

Radio Educacion QSL card

This morning I received a very nice email from Radio Educacion in MEXICO, with an eQSL card and an audio message from the station. It was for my reception of their station on 11th November 2021. They had previously sent me a QSL card and letter in the mail, but it was severely water damaged.

In the email, they wrote:

“For Radio Educación it is very significant to receive your letter with the reception report, with the details of your listening and the quality in which you receive the signal.”

The audio file was taken from their broadcast in the Spanish language where they thanked me for the reception report. They stated ‘radio listeners are the most important thing’.