Dooen silo VK-DNE3

It was now Sunday 3rd December 2023 and time for Marija and me to leave Stawell and head back home. It had been another fantastic trip away, but we were looking forward to getting back home.

After breakfast, we headed out to view the monument at Drung for the soldier settlers and their wives and families who pioneered irrigation dairy farming at Drung. Drung is just a few km southeast of Horsham. Drung is an aboriginal word for ‘much spoiled’ and is the name of an Irish village in COunty Donegal. (Blake 1978)

We then visited Taylors Lake which is on the edge of my Uncle’s property, about 20 km southeast of Horsham. The lake is an off-stream reservoir and a water source for the district. It is popular with locals for camping, fishing and water skiing. (GWM Water 2024)

Our first activation for the day was the Dooen silo VK-DNE3 for the Silos On The Air (SiOTA) program. Dooen is an aboriginal word meaning ‘big swamp or a circle used in tribal rites. (Blake 1978)

Marija and I parked on Creamery Road

Above:- Map showing the activation zone at the Dooen silo. Image c/o SiOTA website.

Marija worked the following station on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK3VIN
  2. VK3APJ
  3. VK2VH
  4. VK4AAC
  5. VK3ZK/p (Wilsons Promontory Marine National Park VKFF-0956)

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK3VIN
  2. VK3APJ
  3. VK2VH
  4. VK4AAC
  5. VK3ZK/p (Wilsons Promontory Marine National Park VKFF-0956)
  6. VK2USH
  7. VK1AO
  8. VK2MET
  9. VK3AWA
  10. VK3ZPF
  11. VK2EXA
  12. VK2AX
  13. VK3UAO
  14. VK2RP/m
  15. VK2BDR/m
  16. VK7LJP

I worked the following stations on 20m SSB:-

  1. VK1AO
  2. VK2MET
  3. VK7AAE
  4. VK2IO


  1. Leslie James Blake, 1978, Place Names of Victoria.‌
  2. (n.d.). Taylors Lake – GWMWater. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2024]‌

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