Lonsdale Nature Conservation Reserve VKFF-2132

Our final activation for Saturday 2nd December 2023 was the Lonsdale Nature Conservation Reserve VKFF-2132.

The reserve is located about 17 km northwest of Stawell and about 250 km northwest of the city of Melbourne.

Above:- Map showing the location of the Lonsdale NCR. Map c/o Google Maps.

The reserve’s northern boundary is the Western Highway, while its southern boundary is Sandbar Road.

Above:- An aerial view of the Lonsdale NCR. Image c/o Google Earth.

The reserve is named in honour of William Lonsdale (b. 1799. d. 1864). He supervised the founding of the official settlement at Port Phillip (later named Melbourne) and went on to serve under Superintendent La Trobe from 1839 to 1854.

Above:- William Lonsdale. Image c/o Wikipedia.

The reserve is about 686 hectares in size and was established on the 26th day of February 2002. (CAPAD 2022)

Marija worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK3TKK/p (Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve VKFF-4277)
  2. VK2BKT/p
  3. VK1AO
  4. VK2MET
  5. VK5FANA
  6. VK2YK
  7. VK5GA
  8. VK3PF
  9. VK3KAI
  10. VK4CZ

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB:-

  1. VK5HS
  2. VK3TKK/p (Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve VKFF-4277)
  3. VK2BKT/p
  4. VK1AO
  5. VK2MET
  6. VK5FANA
  7. VK2YK
  8. VK5GA
  9. VK3PF
  10. VK3KAI
  11. VK4CZ
  12. VK7AN
  13. VK4EW
  14. VK1AAF

After packing up Marija and I visited Lake Lonsdale. It is a popular spot for fishers and water sporting enthusiasts.

Marija and I then headed into Stwell where we booked into our accommodation.

That evening Marija and I went to my cousin’s house to catch up with the extended family including my Uncle Jack. Sadly my Aunty Dawn passed away during our trip. It was a sad occasion, but we shared many laughs and reflected on the good times.


  1. Dcceew.gov.au. (2023). Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2022 ā€“ DCCEEW. [online] Available at: https://www.dcceew.gov.au/environment/land/nrs/science/capad/2022 [Accessed 3rd May 2024].ā€Œ

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