Investigator Marine Park VKFF-1717 and Flinders Island OC-261

We had now spent 2 nights on Flinders Island in the Great Australian Bight, and it was Tuesday 16th April 2024. Adam VK2YK and I decided to head out to activate the Investigator Marine Park VKFF-1717.

Above:- The Investigator Marine Park. Image c/o Parks SA.

The park is about 1,185 square kilometres in size and was established on the 29th day of January 2009. The park consists of four parts. The first section extends along the coastland of the Eyre Peninsula from Point Dummond to just south of Elliston. The second part surrounds Flinders Island the the Topgallant Islands. The third and fourth parts respectively surround the Ward Islands and the Pearson Isles. (Wikipedia 2024)

The park takes its name from the HMS Investigator which was under the command of Captain Matthew Flinders (b. 1774. d. 1814). He led the first inshore circumnavigation of mainland Australia. (Wikipedia 2024)

Above:- Captain Matthew Flinders. Image c/o Wikipedia.

The HMS Investigator commenced her life as the mercantile Fram. She was built in Sunderland, England and was launched in 1795. In 1798 the British Royal Navy purchased the Fram and renamed her HMS Xenophon. In 1801 the name was changed to HMS Investigator. She as the first ship to circumnavigate Australia in 1802. The HMS Investigator was sold in 1810 and she returned to mercantile service under the name Xenophon. It is believed the ship was broken up c. 1872. (Wikipedia 2024)

Above:- The HMS Investigator. Image c/o Wikipedia.

Below is an excellent video on the life of Captain Matthew Flinders.

Adam and I drove south from our accommodation and set up on the eastern side of Flinders Island. It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed some absolutely magnificent views during our activation.

Adam set up his station and I set up my station which comprised my Yaesu FT857, 40 watts, and the 20/40/80m linked dipoel.

I logged a total of 105 QSOs on 20 & 40m SSB.

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB before the UTC rollover:-

  1. VK3HJV
  2. VK5KLD
  3. VK5AAF
  4. Vk5GY
  5. Vk3CEO
  6. VK3VIN
  7. VK3MCK
  8. VK7JFD
  9. VK3BBB
  10. VK2CCP
  11. VK3APJ
  12. VK5HS
  13. VK5LA
  14. VK5KAW
  15. VK5FIL
  16. VK1AO
  17. VK2MET
  18. VK5ADB
  19. VK3IFR
  20. VK3PF
  21. VK3KAI
  22. VK3MTT
  23. VK5HYZ
  24. VK3ANL
  25. VK3BEL
  26. VK2KYO
  27. VK5ZTJ
  28. VK3CTM
  29. VK6LK

I worked the following stations on 40m SSB after the UTC rollover:-

  1. VK3PF
  2. VK3KAO
  3. VK3APJ
  4. VK2SLB
  5. VKk3CEO
  6. VK2USH/p (Peggs Beach Conservation Area  VKFF-2913)
  7. VK3VIN
  8. VK3HJW
  9. VK2KYO
  10. VK3IFR
  11. VK3ANL
  12. VK6LMJ
  13. VK5KVA
  14. VK7EE
  15. VK5ADP
  16. VK3YV
  17. VK3TNL
  18. VK5KFB
  19. VK5QA
  20. VK3CLD
  21. VK3BVW
  22. VK2EXA
  23. VK2VAR
  24. VK2GOM

I worked the following stations on 20m SSB:-

  1. VK1AD
  2. VK1NAM
  3. KG5CIK
  4. VK1AO
  5. VK2MET
  6. VK3IF
  7. VK2VW
  8. VK2HFI
  9. VK2AKA
  10. VK2BUG
  11. VK3MCK
  12. VK3YV
  13. VK3TNL
  14. VK2USH/p (Peggs Beach Conservation Area  VKFF-2913)
  15. VK3APJ
  16. VK2IO
  17. VK2VAR
  18. VK2GOM
  19. VKL3HJV
  20. VK3CEO
  21. VK3EJ
  22. VK3PF
  23. VK3KAI
  24. VK6LK
  25. VK6LMK
  26. VK4MUD
  27. VK3ZSX
  28. VK1DI
  29. Vk4KBA
  30. VK3VIN
  31. VK5DW
  32. Vk3ANL
  33. ZL1TM
  34. VK7XX
  35. VK7HBR
  36. VK3BBB
  37. VK2CCP
  38. VK3BWS
  39. VK3TKK/p
  40. VK2TM
  41. VK3DJC
  42. VK3NDG
  43. VK3SO
  44. VK3SFG
  45. VK2HV
  46. VK3DL
  47. VK5QA
  48. VK3CLD
  49. VK7EE
  50. VK4HAT
  51. VK5CZ (SOTA VK5/ NE-031)
  52. VK3BEL


  1. Wikipedia. (2021). Investigator Marine Park. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jun. 2024].
  2. Wikipedia. (2020). Matthew Flinders. [online] Available at:‌‌ [Accessed 23 Jun. 2024].
  3. Wikipedia. (2021). HMS Investigator (1801). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jun. 2024].‌

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