Summit to Summit certificate

I received my Summit to Summit certificate (250 points) today.

I notched up a large number of Summit to Summit contacts during my recent week away to SE South Australia & western Victoria.  In fact it was my contact with Glen VK3YY on the 7th September, that pushed me over the 250 point mark.  I was on Mount Rouse, VK3/ VS-048 in south western Victoria, and Glen was on Federation Range, VK3/ VN-003.

I will be sending Glen a certificate & a special QSL card, to thank him for the contact.

I have only been involved in SOTA since March, and have thoroughly enjoyed the last 6 months.  Every S2S contact is always a real pleasure.

Summit to Summit Award


2 thoughts on “Summit to Summit certificate

  1. Thanks Andrew,
    I started off a bit slow. It seemed all my hilltop activations didn’t coincide with other activators.
    You are doing terrificly well with your S2S score.

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